Dolly Parton Street Art

Dolly Parton is amazing and graffiti artists around the world know it.

Dolly Parton Street Art

I thought I would start Mehdium off with something close to my heart; unsanctioned doodles. Well, some of these pieces of Dolly Parton street art may actually have been sanctioned, but I just really wanted to say 'unsanctioned doodles' on my blog.

Did you know that Dolly Parton is a awesome philanthropist? She gives away so much money to many amazing causes. She is really is an angel. You should totally follow her on Instagram, X (do people still use X?), and TikTok. Anyway, I am drifting off course here. The reason you came here was for the Dolly Parton graffiti and not me rabbiting on about how cool Dolly is. Here ya go. Enjoy.